My Story

I like to think people read about who creates a blog for one purpose. To determine if that person is qualified to give the information you seek. I will tell you right now. I am not qualified. Not even a bit. So if that's what you are looking for you might seek out another place. I would love to say that I have it all together. That my house is the picture perfect minimalist home. But that is not at all the case. In fact it is quite the opposite. Everything seems to be one big crazy mess. But I have decided to start a new journey. To a simpler life. One not so full of clutter. A life that I can stop and smell the roses. A life worth living. So this is a blog about my journey to seek that out.

A little bit about my starting point. My name is Kristina and I am a mom of 3 ten year olds! Somehow me and my hubby chose this! We have a biological son and adopted twin girls that are 4 months younger than him. Only if we had know what we were getting into. Let's be real here. We would have done it anyway! That is my family. We are the group that jumps in with out looking first. My husband an I got married in 3 months from our first date! That kind set the base of our life. So let's get back to my life now. On top of having basically triplets, I homeschool them. My hubby works 3 houses down at a mill that makes custom crown and moldings. So he is always on a project. A messy project that is. Also living in my country home is a great dane, and golden retriever/lab. So many chances for messes and chaos. Plus we have 12 free range chickens, a big raised bed garden, and one very fluffy and cute bunny. That is a few full time jobs there!

So why the life change? Doesn't my life sound so perfect? As much as I love it, it needs a change. My husband and I started off on the wrong foot with buying useless items for our children. We wanted to bless them. But after so long it is just building up. Instead of raising grateful children, we seem to have made selfish ungrateful monsters. They have their good sides, but we all need a change of perspective in this house! Plus not to help much is that fact that my husband is very sentimental. He wants to hold onto everything. My son takes after him but steps it up a level. So this whole journey to downsize and simplify will not be easy by all means. But this tired mama wants to stop looking at the messes and have more time for experiences! So I am cleaning up everything! I am clearing out the house of things we don't need, I am cleaning up my health, and cleaning up my parenting. Which will make for a more enjoyable life. At least that is the plan.

If you have read to this point I am amazed! So I hope you can get some inspiration from my crazy mess I call a life! Or at least a good laugh! By the way I love these two pictures. It shows the picture perfect idea, then the reality of my family! So I hope you enjoy!


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